Go100% Renewable
on your electricity consumption
Energy Attribute Certificates
Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) markets have been established to provide organisations an opportunity to choose and consume renewable energy without necessarily having to install renewable capacity onsite or purchase a green tariff. An EAC is an electronic certificate which represents 1MWh of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Once a company buys an EAC, the decoupled green attributes attached to it are redeemed through the respective registry ensuring it is the only one claiming that specific amount of renewable energy consumption.
EACs are recognised by both the CDP reporting and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol as a means to reduce your Scope 2 emissions from your electricity consumption. Similarly, RE100, the leading initiative committing corporates to renewable energy consumption, advocates for the use of EACs as a way to become powered by 100% renewable energy. It is becoming clear that companies which take responsible action to combat climate change are rewarded by attracting conscious clients and giving confidence to stakeholders and employees.
EAC Markets
EAC markets were initiated in the US and Europe with several markets emerging in other regions around the world. The most predominant EAC markets with their respective standards are the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in North America, Guarantees of Origin (GOs or GoOs) in Europe, Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) in UK, and the International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs) for the rest of the world.
Switch to Renewable Electricity and reduce your Scope 2 emissions to zero
At Ecompensate we are experts in navigating the myriad of Energy Attribute Certificates there are available worldwide. We help businesses assess and report their electricity consumption and set bespoke strategies to achieve their renewable energy targets.